All Are Welcome

Ancient Liturgy + Progressive Theology + Loving Community

We are so glad you are here. St. John’s is a warm and faithful community that seeks to follow Jesus, love God, and love our neighbors. We believe everyone is made in the image of God and that God loves and delights in us.

Our Worship

Sunday 8 a.m. – A contemplative spoken service with traditional language (Rite 1)

Sunday 10 a.m. – A music-filled service with singing and contemporary language (Rite 2)

Wednesday 12 noon - Eucharist service (liturgy from A Black Rock Prayer Book)

We continue to bring you worship online on our
YouTube channel

Thinking about Visiting?

Please do! Everyone is welcome!

It can be hard to visit a new church. Here at St. John’s, we do our best to really see our visitors—to recognize if you're an introvert and need space, or an extrovert and want some company. Our worship booklet will walk you through every part of the service and even give a little background behind some of the things going on. Feel free to ask questions of folks in the pews. We have our own songbook which includes very singable tunes, and our choir and music director make us all sound good. 

We invite you to come and worship with us in whatever way brings you joy, whether that means sitting in the back and sneaking out during the last song or shaking everyone's hand at the peace and getting to know folks at coffee hour. Come as you are.

  • Sunday Worship

    Our Sunday worship service is reverent and relaxed. We encounter Jesus in word, prayer, song, and sacrament. We take the Bible seriously but not literally and are fed at God’s table as we celebrate communion every Sunday.

  • Milwaukie Community

    We also encounter Jesus in one another and the world and endeavor to be, in the words of St. Teresa of Avila, Jesus’ hands and feet in the world. Our community has a long history of community engagement and service, including over 30 years of our Sunday meal ministry.

  • You Are Welcome

    We recognize, celebrate, and give thanks for the many diverse gifts of God among us. God has made all of us in God’s image, and we welcome persons of every race, language, age, gender, sexuality, physical and mental ability, national origin, immigration status, and economic level.


    The Rev. Jeanne Kaliszewski

    Jeanne loves Jesus, the Gospel of Luke, and the Book of Jonah. She has been a priest since 2019 and active in the Episcopal Church in Oregon for the past 10. She encountered God when lost in a snowstorm on the grounds of a monastery.


    The Rev. Greg Rainey



    All of us!

    At St. John's we welcome all of God's children of all ages, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, or economic circumstances. We are an inclusive Episcopal church worshiping according to ancient Christian practice, with both traditional hymns and contemporary worship music.