In the spirit of our patron, St. John the Evangelist, we strive to bring light into the world around us, make the Word of God flesh as we strive to be Jesus' hands and heart in the world, and love one another as we believe Jesus loved us.
Fellowship and Community Life
Coffee Hour, Creation Care and Repair, Out to Lunch Bunch, Newcomers, Veterans Fellowship, Sewing Ministry, Knitting Group, Music and the Arts
Building and maintaining relationships with one another is a part of what makes the community of St. John the Evangelist so special. Everyone is welcome, everyone is seen.
Community Space
Building Team, Columbarium
A church is more than a building, but the four walls and roof that house us still need care and attention. We are fortunate to have a talented and hardworking team of volunteers and a new Sexton who keep our building running smoothly.
Our Ministries
Worship, Faith Formation, and Education
Adult Education, Godly Play, Education for Ministry (EFM), Altar Guild, Eucharistic Ministers, Eucharistic Visitors, Flower Brigade, Ushers, Lectors, Contemplative Prayer, Choir and Music, Parish Library
St. John offers a variety of opportunities to increase our understanding of the Episcopal tradition, explore different devotional practices, and participate in the liturgy and worship services, all with an eye towards strengthening our faith.
Community Admin
Budget Committee, Finance Committee, Stewardship Committee, Vestry, Office Volunteers
A church, like other organizations, has certain administrative responsibilities that keep it running. St. John has healthy, well-structured, and efficient committees that provide financial oversight and otherwise support the administration of our parish.
Community Outreach and Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care Committee, Children’s Clothing Closet, Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Weather Shelter Working Group, Feed the Hungry, Little Library, Meal Train
Parishioners of St. John reach out to one another, and the wider community, in a variety of ways as God’s hands in the world.
Emergency Weather Shelter Project
On Sunday, June 2, 2024, the vestry reached consensus on moving forward with the next steps of the Emergency Weather Shelter project. Click HERE to read updates from our senior warden and a member of the vestry.
UPDATE: At the Clackamas County Commissioners meeting on December 18, 2024, the Commissioners approved one-time start-up funds as well as funding for three years operational costs for the emergency warming shelter at St. John. We have not received official word on when funds will become available. The shelter will not be open this winter.
Feed the Hungry, Inc.
St. John is proud to have supported Feed the Hungry for over 30 years.
FTH serves a hearty, hot meal every Sunday from 2:15-3pm in the Parish Hall. With a dedicated core group of volunteers as well as a robust rotation of other community service volunteers, FTH plays an important part in the community’s efforts to serve the most vulnerable. As a community-based, non-profit, non-denominational organization, FTH adheres to Oregon Food Bank’s non-discrimination policy.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.