Kids at St. John’s

Children of all ages and volumes are welcome in our worship service to add their voices to the joyful noise we offer to God.

Hope & Fire Youth Event, February 28- March 2 in Eugene

The diocese is thrilled to invite youth (6th grade-12th grade) from across the diocese to Hope & Fire, a weekend of faith, service, and community at St. Mary's in Eugene from Friday, February 28 at 6pm through Sunday, March 2 at noon.

This is an unforgettable opportunity for youth to deepen their faith, build friendships, and make an impact in the local community.

For more information, or to RSVP, go to

Kids are the Church

We believe in the full participation of children in the life of the church. Children are invited to receive Communion at the discretion of their parents. 

We host family-oriented events and activities throughout the year for the Sunday School community to socialize and get to know one another better in addition to special holiday events including the annual Easter Egg hunt and Children's Christmas pageant.

Infants and Toddlers

Babies and young children are always welcome in services at St. John, voices and wiggles and all. We have a rocking chair on the chapel side available to help you and your little one feel more comfortable.

If you prefer, staffed childcare is available for children under four in the Guild Room across from the Parish Hall during the 10am service.

Godly Play

St. John offers Sunday School for older children in the form of Godly Play with the mission of making meaning through story, wonder, and play and nurturing their spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children.

All children, ages four and older, are invited to participate in the lessons led by one of our specially trained Storytellers.

Children follow the Storyteller upstairs at the beginning of the service and will return to their families in the sanctuary in time for the Eucharist. 

More information about Godly Play can be found at

Youth Sunday Service

We are excited to begin a kid-friendly, youth-oriented service during the 10am service every 4th Sunday of the month.

We invite all children & teens to play an active role in the service by choosing a way they can serve during the service. We will have various tasks posted on an easel in the lobby, and kids can choose one as they come to church. Roles will include candle lighting, carrying communion bread to the alter, carrying the cross, passing offering plates and more. Our ushers and Eucharistic Ministers will help guide children, and kids will remain with their families during the service and are not asked to wear acolyte robes. 

 We will not have Church School during these services, but will continue to offer nursery for ages 3 and younger. 

 We are so grateful to have children & teens at St John's, and we invite people of all ages to be active participants in our common worship. 

"Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  Luke 18:16