Lent, Holy Week, and Easter


Ash Wednesday, March 5th, noon and 7pm

We observe the first day of Lent with a Eucharist service that includes the Litany of Penitence and the Imposition of Ashes. We will hold two services: noon and 7pm. The 7pm service will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. You can watch Rev’d Jeanne’s sermon HERE.

Gospel of John Lenten Study in person Thursday Nights starting March 6th, 6-7:30pm

Join us Thursday evenings in Lent for a deep dive into the riches of the Gospel of John, experienced as the earliest Christians did: listening in community.  We'll read aloud the whole Gospel over the course of Lent and reflect on how this text speaks to our lives today.  Help providing a simple supper will be appreciated! 

Queers the Word Lenten Study on Zoom Wednesday Nights starting March 12th, 6:30pm

This 40-day devotional-centered study approaches the bible through a lens of queer theology. It’s a refreshing framework for members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies. RSVP required. Contact the office for details.

Labyrinth Walk and Taizé service, April 6th, 4:30pm/5:30pm

Our monthly Labyrinth walk and Taize service takes on a particularly poignant note during Lent. Join us at 4:30pm to walk the labyrinth and stay for the service at 5:30pm.

Holy Week

Palm Sunday, April 13th, 8am and 10am

Join the congregation as we process around the block with palms and singing at the start of the 10am service. This is a fun service for children and families.

Maundy Thursday, April 17th, 6pm

We gather in community on this night as Jesus did with the disciples at the Last Supper. We will share a simple meal together at 6pm, followed at 7pm by a Rite II Eucharist service that includes the washing of feet.

Good Friday, April 18th, 7pm

This service commemorates Christ’s death on the cross. In the place of the Eucharist, we pray together the ancient Solemn Collects for the whole of creation. We enter and leave in silence and you are invited to spend some time in silent prayer at the end of the service.

Holy Saturday Confession April 19th, 9am-11am
by appointment

Holy Saturday is a day on which we wait, we grieve, and we hope. This year, Rev’d Jeanne will be available from 9-11am for anyone who would like to offer confession. Please contact her to schedule a time. jeanne@stjte.org


The Great Vigil of Easter, April 19th, 8pm

The first service of Easter Day, the Great Vigil of Easter begins in the darkness after nightfall on Saturday. We gather on the front steps to kindle the New Fire to light the Paschal Candle, listen to our deacon chant the Exsultet to proclaim the reconciliation of heaven and earth, and renew our Baptismal Vows.

Easter Sunday Rite II Eucharist Service, April 20th, 10am

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! This joyful Rite II Eucharist service will feature the Flowering of the Cross by the children of the parish, exuberant music with guest musicians, and a celebration of the Resurrection.

Former Presiding Bishop Michael Curry wrote about Ash Wednesday in the following “God Loves Us Even in Our Dustiness” published in Episcopal Relief and Development. www.episcopalrelief.org

Lent has two quite remarkable bookends. Today, on Ash Wednesday we are reminded that we are dust and that God loves us even in our dustiness. At the end of this season, we will celebrate the power that God’s love has to transform this world.

Easter reminds us that not even death can keep us from God’s unconditional love. As we follow in the footsteps of Jesus this Lent, we know that living out God’s love for the world is our ultimate goal.

We also know that this walk with Jesus won’t be easy. Following Jesus takes us through Good Friday and the cross. There will be struggles; there will be times when we stumble, but we are not alone. We are bound to one another as children of God. We share with Jesus in God’s beloved family.

God came among us in the person of Jesus to show us how to be more than simply the human race. He came to show us how to realize God’s dream, God’s purpose, God’s plan for us and for all creation.

Whatever devotion you practice this season of Lent, either giving up something that ties you to this world or taking on a spiritual task or discipline, let it be something that helps you participate in the movement of God’s love in this world, following in the footsteps of Jesus and loving one another. #WayofLove